Thursday, August 26, 2010

Finally, they admit it

In a memo that was leaked to the Chicago Sun-times last week, the City is informing the Police department that ticket writing is down 25% from last year, making a budget deficit of over $10,000,000. This is further evidence that Police are a money stream for cities, a way of pseudo-legally extorting money from citizens over minor issues, like parking in the wrong spot, or letting a silly meter timer run out.

City to cops: You're not writing enough tickets
And the revenue director, Bea Reyna-Hickey gets a nice suspension over this flap.

After an alderman got his kittles in a kerfiddle, remarking that the memo sends the "wrong message" to citizens, Savaship wrote at his blog Oppression in the Midwest
The problem that I see is that the memo sends an honest message to the public about what law-enforcement is in today's day. This is a big deal to city hall because the people can see exactly what their overlords think of them. What's the result of this airing of the fact city dwellers and visitors are just targeted marks?

City Hall to Chicago PD: write more tickets!
If they had couched it in "safety" like Cedar Rapids police do regarding the traffic cameras, what's the problem?

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