Monday, September 20, 2010

Great thoughts from academia, 9/20/10

From a "professor emeritus", we have an essay published in AthensOnline, Fear of 'them' is bringing out the worst in us. This former "working" professor from Grinnell College in Iowa intends to lecture the American public from his perch.
We now seem to have approached a condition of neurotic fear that this dangerous but ill-defined category may include just about everyone. Here is a partial “enemies list,” drawn from widely different spheres: the entire Muslim world, undocumented immigrants, defenders of gay rights, advocates of gun control, supporters of legal abortion, “European” approaches to health care, environmentalists, the “liberal elite,” even (or especially) our own government.
"Widely different spheres," eh? These are all criticisms of the right and then he has to toss in the the hyperbole throughout the whole article.

Another "educated idiot" as my dad would say, who was an English professor at Grinnell, wrote poetry and has what appears to be a left-leaning outlook on life.

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