Galesburg, Illinois, USA
May 17, 1964
Photo by Marty Bernard
Click on the picture for a better look
Galesburg, Illinois, USA
May 17, 1964
Photo by Marty Bernard
Click on the picture for a better look
Between the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. Between the Iowa and Cedar. Between the Des Moines and Skunk. I've lived or worked by them all. (Except the Missouri - that one doesn't count.) And fought floods against two of them more than once.
Democrats are holding a forum Thursday highlighting their findings. Their report, prepared for Rep. Elijah Cummings (D., Md.), focuses on shortcomings in U.S. criminal law in pursuing what Mr. Cummings called "international drug cartels that are trafficking tens of thousands of military-grade assault weapons from the United States to Mexico."Because everyone knows you can buy "military-grade" weaponry at guns shows throughout the country. No questions asked.
Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Thomas Cooper on Thursday refused a request by Badger Guns to dismiss a lawsuit from two injured police officers, but he dismissed a pair of counts, including one that alleged the West Milwaukee gun store was a public nuisance.Judge doesn't dismiss wounded officers' suit against Badger Guns
Gun owners who carry concealed weapons or have confronted another person with a gun are more than twice as likely to drink heavily as people who do not own guns, according to a study by UC Davis researchers.So now we are a bunch of alcoholics?
“Strong rural communities are key to a stronger America,” Obama said in releasing the order. “That’s why I’ve established the White House Rural Council to make sure we’re working across government to strengthen rural communities and promote economic growth.”
She also thinks this: Gun rights are Women's rights. Gun rights are Gay rights. Gun rights are a reflection that the citizen is a responsible member of society, not a subject. Gun rights are a statement that we are responsible to take care of ourselves, and not wait for Nanny to save us or our children.Which is why Herman Caine's weasel words that gun rights should be defined by the state just placed him as a has-been of the never-was as a presidential candidate.
Tallies weren't immediately available, but the Gas For Guns event, sponsored by Jim Lind Service, ran out of cards within 40 minutes.And this Sinclair station owner wants to have another event in the fall.
SIGOURNEY–Keokuk County Sheriff Jeff Shipley has a new gun he will carry with him as his “duty weapon.” The gun, a Glock 22 fourth generation, was ordered by Deputy Sergeant Eric Stein shorlty before he was killed in the line of duty in April.
“I will carry that weapon as long as I am here,” said Shipley. “I think it is probably going to be a tradition, when I am gone I will pass it on to the next guy who takes my place.”
Jun 3-5 Cedar Rapids, Hawkeye Downs*** I get this list from the link below and other searches and I can't guarantee the accuracy of the list. If anyone notices a show that needs to be corrected or added, please let me know in the comments.
Jun 24-26 Des Moines, Iowa State Fairgrounds
Scott County Sheriff Dennis Conard says short of a felony, Iowa's new gun law allows nearly anyone with a misdemeanor record to get a gun permit.I guess we can add the Scott County sheriff to the group with Linn and Johnson County sheriffs, who don't like the loss of power over the permit process.
"Most of the sheriffs in Iowa were not fans of the new law," said Conard.
The cost of the new gun permits are more expensive than in the past. The new permits have generated $150,000 in revenue. $120,000 of that stays in Scott County.
“My biggest beef is they took all the discretion away from the sheriffs under the premise of wanting more law-abiding citizens to get permits, but what they’ve done is allowed more people who are criminal, non-law-abiding citizen to carry guns,” Pulkrabek said.If most of the sheriffs in Iowa hadn't acted like little tyrants regarding the permits, then they would still have their discretion. Which, by the way, they still have the power but the appeals process can overturn their decision.
Johnson County issued 1,295 permits in the first four months of 2011 compared to 552 in all of 2010.That says all we need to know about the Johnson County Sheriff and his desire for a return to autocratic power.
The new law does things such as increase the life of a gun permit from one to five years and takes away sheriffs' ability to deny people permits, [Sheriff] Van Otterloo said.It seems that Plymouth County Sheriff Van Otterloo doesn't see the current law is a big issue. That seems to be a contrast to sheriffs from Johnson or Linn counties.
"I had discretion before," he said. "I could base it on whatever I needed to base it on."
Since you can't use a DNR tree for a windbreak, there are other sources: Henry Fields, The Nurserymen (for some non-native species) and the University of Idaho Nursery are a few of the many places out there.TO PURCHASE you must agree:
- to plant and use the nursery stock requested upon the described property for establishing or improving existing forests, erosion control, game or water conservation with these restrictions;
- to NOT resell or give these plants away with roots attached to any person, firm, corporation or agency nor to plant any of them for new windbreak, shade or ornamental purposes;
- to protect all planting from fire and domestic livestock grazing;
- to forfeit for destruction any trees planted or used in violation of the above restrictions.