Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NRA to make money off gun bill - updated

With any legislation, I try to look at who is going to make money off of it.

Well look at HF 2255 in particular, section
724.9 Firearm training program.

1. An applicant shall demonstrate knowledge of firearm safety by any of the following means:

a. Completion of any national rifle association firearms safety or firearms training course.

b. Completion of any firearms safety or firearms training course available to the general public offered by a law enforcement agency, community college, college, private or public institution or organization, or firearms training school utilizing instructors certified by the national rifle association or the department of public safety or another state's department of public safety, state police department or similar certifying body.
It may not be much, but say $100 for each of 10,000 gun permit carriers in the state and it makes that $500 investment in Gronstal look pretty good.

Edit - To clarify something here: a couple of guys in the comments try to take me to task for my post. (I appreciate your comments, even from Bob the mud-thrower.)

Did I make a statement?: "The NRA is charging $100 per class!!!" - No, I did not.

When I wrote: "It may not be much, but say $100..." that was a proposal as in "let's suppose, for the sake of argument...". People sometimes use that in an argument to make a point. A point that seems to be missed by some people.

The argument I want to make here is that the NRA is pushing a bill that it has a vested interest to make money on, and no one can deny that. It doesn't matter to me if it's $1.00 or millions, but more than likely it will be somewhere in between. While not the only method, one is to take a NRA class, by certified NRA instructors, which means the NRA will make money off of this bill. How much for certain? I don't know, but I predict it will be a good chunk and this kind of politics stinks in this state. Maybe not as much as a hog confinement lobby, though.

I don't care if it is the NRA, ADM, or Suzie Citizen down the street. Using the state to pass a bill that they will make money on is immoral (in my opinion.)

I have more in the comments.


straightarrow said...

The NRA has a vested interest in the continuance of the problem. They will do what they must to keep the problem. Else they would not be able to send all "send more money" letters.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Gun Owners of America (or even IGO) should begin it's own certification process for instructors and get in on that action.

strandediniowa said...

That idea has been discussed, Anon. As well as providing it for minimal cost or free.

We have a ways to go, but I don't think IGO wants to be a substitute for the NRA.

Just Wondering said...

Now how exactly is the NRA going to make $100 per person trained to get a gun permit?

Looks like the Bill has many options for training, with NRA certified instructors being just one of many options.

There are many groups today in Iowa charging a whole lot less than $100.

So, you are saying somehow the NRA is going to find 10,000 people to pay them $100 each?

Uh huh.

Bob Adair said...

This idiotic post is just another attack on the NRA.

Are there no limits to the mud the IGO will throw?

strandediniowa said...

"idiotic post" - okay. So who is attacking whom in that statement, Bob? Go ahead and keep throwing your own mud.

$10, $100, $1000 - who cares? The NRA will be making money from the classes, there is no doubt about that. Some states like New York or Massachusetts charge hundreds for cert classes.

Did I make a statement: "The NRA is charging $100 per class!!!" - No, I did not.

When I wrote: "It may not be much, but say $100..." that was a proposal as in "let's suppose, for the sake of argument...".

People sometimes use that in an argument to make a point. A point that seems to be missed on some people.

In 2008 there were almost 30,000 permits issued in the state, although there isn't a good number of which were first-time or renewals. That number is from both IowaCarry and IGO.

Although I pulled 10,000 permits out of thin air, it's probable that new permits will increase given that in one county in Michigan, permits doubled from 2008 to 2009. Relaxing the rules in Iowa will more than likely increase the number of permits. That's been the case in every state that has done so. I also did not put a time frame on that number.

If you care to make a prediction on the number of new permits, go ahead and take a guess.

Yes, there are a few other avenues for the training classes, like police and military training and club membership and competitions (some require NRA membership to compete). That's a fact not a slam on the NRA, Bob.

But, for a new permit seeking Iowan, the primary method would be through the NRA class.

Bob Adair said...

Stranded said: "But, for a new permit seeking Iowan, the primary method would be through the NRA class."

Now where did he dream that up? The NRA will be the primary method? Bull Hockey.

And as for Fees collected, Stranded admits he is making up numbers. Pure conjecture on his part. Why?

Well to attack the NRA, of course.

b. Completion of any firearms safety or firearms training course available to the general public offered by a law enforcement agency, community college, college, private or public institution or rganization, or firearms training school utilizing instructors certified by the national rifle association or the department of public safety or another state's department of public safety, state police department, or similar certifying body.

strandediniowa said...

Bob, I put figures in there to make a point (for the sake of argument - again, something you can't seem to grasp). If I said $1 would that make you happier, or would you still say I'm attacking the NRA?

10,000 permits is reasonable. A later post explains why and comes up with fees numbers from several counties right now in the 25-45 dollar range.

NRA certified? - what other national certification for private citizens are there, Bob? We are kind of limited there. Can a private citizen get into the state police department and get instruction? I doubt it. The state department of public safety does not currently hold training, it's up to the counties. Most private training facilities and gun clubs utilize NRA certified instructors and that is not a bad thing (Oops, I said something nice about the NRA. Do I get credit, Bob?) If Appleseed started giving handgun instruction, would the state recognize it? Who knows? Who determines if it or any other organization is a "similar certifying body"? It's not clear on that.

What is clear is the NRA put that in there and will make money. I don't care how much. They wrote and are pushing this bill with language that will let them make money off it. That is the "bull hockey".

Why not just leave it up to the state to determine the training? The NRA in their self-interest put the language into the bill.

You're still not disputing that the NRA is going to be making money - my point for the "idiotic" post. If the NRA was truly altruistic and of pure heart, then why did they put the language in the bill, Bob?

Tell us please with your great wisdom and knowledge. Or just let us Iowans work this out.

For future reference, Bob, I don't care if it's the NRA, ADM, Iowa Cattlemens' Association, Iowa Hog Producers, or the little old lady down the street, if any person or organization is pushing a bill where they have a vested interest to make money on it, it's BS as far as I'm concerned.

You may determine I'm attacking them as well - so be it. But, thanks for stopping by.

straightarrow said...

Well, Bob, first let me say that your defense of NRA smacks of association with them. Protecting your turf?

Well, I also am affiliated with them, but only for a very short time. I quit them once because the kept betraying me. I gave them another chance and they kept betraying me. As a man, they don't owe me a Hell of a lot, but as a member and an American they do owe me faithful pursuit of my second amendment rights. Something they have done their dead level best to scuttle.

When this current membership runs out, there will never be another chance from me for them. I can be sold out and betrayed for free. There is no dearth of people who wish to abuse me or my rights, I certainly have no need to pay the NRA to do it.


Straight Shooter said...

"When this current membership runs out, there will never be another chance from me for them."

How will they survive without you?

Oh my!

"dearth of people"

You been watching Star Wars too much?


strandediniowa said...


You want to argue a point, please do. You want to offer suggestions, they are welcome.

Anything else, keep it to yourself or start your own blog.

I'm sure straigharrow can defend himself, but I respect his input here and elsewhere. He's helped this blog by his contributions.

I've read your postings before at other sites/blogs and half the time I can't figure out whether you agree or disagree with the person you reply to. And I'm not the only one who has that opinion.

You're welcome to add to the conversation anytime.

Anonymous said...


Last time I checked, you are not in my chain of command.

It's clear you would like to control free speech and the opinions of others, but fortunately for all, you do not.

And as for you speaking for others, please list your subordinates here.

Have a nice day.


strandediniowa said...

As I wrote:
"You want to argue a point, please do. You want to offer suggestions, they are welcome." and "You're welcome to add to the conversation anytime."

How is that controlling free speech, I like things to be civil here, no need for anyone to make fun of others. (You can say whatever you want about politicians, though).

Of course you can get your own blog at any time. I'm not stopping you. (that would be controlling free speech, btw)

You seem to be confused. As I wrote, I'd like people to add to the conversation, SS.

And last time I checked, this is my blog, so yeah, I get to set the ground rules here.

Thanks for wishing me a nice day, SS. You have one, too.

straightarrow said...

SS, you just go right ahead and stay on the floor and laugh your ass off. I'm pretty sure they will survive without me. But they won't betray me with my help. The same damn attitude I have about anybody trying to do me harm. I don't help them. I am not afraid to make that known. You seem to be bent a different way. Ok, not my problem, but you delude yourself if you really believe they will take note of your defense of them and treat you any better than they do anyone else.

"Dearth", I don't think it means what you think it means. Look it up. Oh, and you lose the debate because you couldn't and/or didn't refute any point I made. You could only be snide about me. LOSE!

strandediniowa said...

Wondering/Straight Shooter/Anon,

Coming in with the same IP address and listing different names.

Thanks for stopping by, guy(s).