Mason City councilman, Scott Tornquist, is worried about the town's image.
...because folks from all over the country are expressing concern the city is supporting and promoting the sign.So it's the city's view that they don't want people to express their freedom of speech if someone else doesn't like it?
Tornquist disagrees, and says the actions of a few people expressing their freedom of speech do not reflect the city's view.
Billboard has Impacts on the Community
Maybe this clears up my question:
In fact, this is not the first controversial sign the tea party's put up in town.So now free speech is okay if it isn't offensive?
Tournquist said, "what's unique about this particular one that its offensive to such a large majority regardless of political party."
(Update - I posted before about one of their billboards at Truth in advertising placed in the same location as this dreaded one)

I don't understand what is so offensive about the billboard. But from the comments left behind at the news sites I've listed over this, it's because the billboard is racist.
So socialists are a minority protected by law? Who would have thought that?
But the howling left in this country need a scapegoat and found one in The Rose Bowl, a popular bowling alley the teaparty members use for their meeting. But that would be in a past tense, as in used to meet there. It seems that the business was receiving protests from around the county and now they caved and told the teaparty to practice picking up spares somewhere else.
The left can claim a victory for freedom and democracy now. Hurrah.
In a bold move of counting their chickens before they come home to roost (mixing my metaphors again):
Since the controversy, Democrats are now planning to use the billboard in a fundraising push for mid-term elections."That's despicable!" - Dean Genth.
One of the local democratic leaders who worked on the Obama campaign says the tea party has given them an opportunity.
Dean Genth said, "I think because they put the billboard up and gave us a challenge, Democrats far and wide are gonna be energized to say we don't want that kind of vile, despicable behavior "

He must think that Democrats, who give money to Democrats, will now give money to Democrats because of this billboard. Confused, yet?
(As a reader pointed out, "That's despicable," is actually a Daffy Duck quote. True, but I found this costume first.)
In a last ditch effort of statesmanship fail:
Tornquist tells us the city council could take action such as not allowing billboards in town, but he cautions by doing that they would be involving the government with the freedom of speech.In the future, your voice may be heard only if the city council of Mason City approves it. Just like any common thug extortionist, this councilman is threatening a citizen's right to be heard with the implied "we'll deny all speech" if it's not an approved content.
Tournquist hopes this is a learning experience for the community. It proves citizens can speak up and have their voice heard.
So, who's acting like Hitler or Lenin, now?
Speak up, Mason City. Just don't say something that will give the city a bad image.
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